"Contemplation must not be confused with abstraction….the true contemplative is not less interested than others in normal life, not less concerned with what goes on in the world, but more interested, more concerned….The thing that distinguishes him [the contemplative] from other men…is that he has a much more spiritual grasp of what is 'real' and what is 'actual'….for a contemplative his whole life is contemplation."
The Inner Experience
Project Description
The principal aim of this work is to communicate the spirit and diversity that is at the heart of Thomas Merton's direct experience of contemplative phenomena as he witnessed and discovered them, in monastic solitude, and in his vision of their universality and presence in everyday life.
Length: 2 hours
Format: DV/Digital Betacam
Project Director
Arthur Giacalone, Ph.D.
Institute of Contemplative Studies
605 Preakness Drive
Walnut Creek, CA 94597
(925) 395-7335
Fax: (925) 280-1049
e-mail: merton.silentlamp@gmail.com